Step 2: Create a new empty web forms project, name it: HelloWorld_Web
Step 3: Add a new Web Form to the HelloWorld_Web project, named Default.aspx
At this point, you should have a file that looks like:
<form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> </div> </form>
Step 5: Switch over to Design mode (look at the bottom of your web page file)
Step 6: Add a Label to the page, set it's text property to "What's Your Name"
Step 7: Add a TextBox to the page, set it's Name property to txtName
Step 8: Add a LinkButton to the page, set it's Name property to lnkGetGreeting
Step 9: While on the property page for the LinkButton, go to the Events tab and double-click in the Click field. This will open up the code behind file and place an event handler in there. This is what the event handler code should look like:
void lnkGetGreeting_Click( object sender, EventArgs args )
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append( "Hello " );
if( txtName.Text.Length != 0 )
sb.Append( txtName.Text )
sb.Append( "World" )
lblGreeting.Text = sb.ToString();
Step 10: Go back to Default.aspx. Add a Label to the page, set it's Name proerty to lblGreeting.
Run your page, click the GetGreeting link without entering a name, you should see "Hello World" appear in the lblGreeting Label. Next, enter your name in the first text field and click on the GetGreeting link again, you should see "Hello <your name>" this time.
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